Pecha Kucha is back!!! This popular speaker series returns! Join us in the Main Theatre for a night of reconnecting with our community. Enjoy talks from passionate people about interesting things in a 20x20 format - 20 slides x 20 seconds per slide.
- Ana Schlosser: Psychedelic Healing: A re-emerging therapeutic paradigm
- JoLynn Parenteau: Tales of an #IndigiFinfluencer
- Jason Openo: Building Community using the story of Our Towns
- Annie Anderson: Unlocking the secrets of the universe through energy, frequency, and vibration
- Jessikah Babe: Talking about animation and the upcoming Animation Festival
- Ruth Isaac: On hippotherapy (therapy with horses)
- Ken Feser: Empathy is the answer
- Meryl Ochoa: Audio storytelling and what it means to me
- Our Collective Journey: Speaking about the important mental health work they do in our community
Suggested donation of $5. Cash bar with snacks available. Doors open at 7:30 pm, program begins promptly at 8:20 pm.